Helping your team achieve a high-performance building enclosure.

What we do./How we can help.

  • New Construction

    Consulting and engineering services for building enclosure systems of new construction projects, throughout the design and construction phases.

  • Existing Buildings

    Consulting and engineering services for existing structures of various typologies beginning with assessments and extending through the planning, design, and construction phases.

  • Testing & Diagnostics

    Testing services for building enclosure performance verification, which may be complementary to our other services or completed as an independent scope of service. Testing services as an aid for defining issues present in the building enclosure to guide the restoration process and a means of verification of performance with new construction.

  • Commissioning

    Building enclosure commissioning services for performance-based verification of enclosure systems. Commissioning services are tailored to comply with LEED v4.1, Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) requirements, ASHRAE Guideline 0, NIBS Guideline 3, ASTM E2813, ASTM E2927 requirements, and/or the Owner’s specific project goals.